Round the World Women completed its 2018-19 program year with a potluck at the Mill River Recreation Area in Amherst. It is sometimes hard to say good-bye to friends, but know we can keep in touch via email.

We had 109 international women on our 2018-19 roster from 28 countries. Average attendance at programs was about 35 international women. We average 6 to 8 children at each meeting. Pre-school children are welcome!

 Betsy McInnis hosted a “wrap and roll” cooking session in the spring and has agreed to do it again. It can be a mob scene but the women love it. We have scheduled many of the same programs, but have new plans as well! AJ Lardner welcomed the very large group to her home for pumpkin carving. We had delicious strudel at the UMASS Bake Shop and made pizzas at the Hillside Pizza restaurant in Hadley. We shared about our own cultures and learned new crafts. We traveled to an orchard, farm, museums, and other beautiful locations. We look forward to welcoming new international women on September 10, 2019 for the 2019-20 Program year.

Program Year 2018- 2019